Birthday: We use your Birthday to calculate an approximate Max Heart Rate (for Pro Neuro-Training coming Late 2021)
Max Heart Rate: The highest heart rate you will reach during maximal intensity activity.
Functional Threshold Power (FTP) (for Pro Neuro-Training coming Late 2021): Functional Threshold Power is an estimation of the highest power (measured in watts) that a rider can maintain in a quasi-steady state without fatiguing for approximately one hour. We use your FTP to calibrate workout intensity.
Lactate Threshold Heart Rate (LTHR)(for Pro Neuro-Training coming Late 2021): The exercise intensity in which the release of lactate into the blood first begins to exceed its rate of removal.
Set Mantra Messages: Mantras can set and customised for Brain Endurance Training and Mindset Recovery. Self-talk is shown to increase performance by reducing the perception of effort. Select suitable mantras to be shown to you during workouts and mindset recovery to assist in developing self-talk.
Bluetooth Devices: Manage which Bluetooth devices are connected. You can connect: the Rewire Fitness Buttons, a power meter, and a heart rate monitor.
Third-Party Integrations: Connect your Rewire Fitness account with Apple Health, Google Fit, Oura or Strava.
Daily Readiness Assessment Reminder: Set the time that you want to be reminded to take the Readiness Assessment each morning. We suggest taking it at a fairly consistent point in your morning routine like first thing when you wake up (recommended), or after your morning shower. Ensure your notifications are turned on in your device settings.
Mindset Recovery Preferences: Set whether you would like tone or haptics during guided breathing sessions. You can also turn Binaural Beats/Subliminal Priming off, ensure you hit 'Save Settings' on the main settings page for this change to be made.
Training Preferences: Set your weekly Neuro-Training goal.
Include Mantra Messages: Ability to disable/enable mantras.
Enable Workout Alerts (for Pro Neuro-Training coming Late 2021): Workout alerts tell you when you are working above or below the target power.
Enable Auto Levels (for Pro Neuro-Training coming Late 2021): Auto levels adapt automatically to make the Brain Endurance Training more difficult as you improve. Only recommended for advanced users.